Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I was born Intelligent, but Education ruined me!

Blogging!! Knew that I would be into it one day, but never knew it would be so fast. The major reasons for my restrains from blogging being, I love talking more that penning things, and I have always felt that words from the mouth have more effect that words from the books/posts. Its very difficult to embed emotions with those words in paper, at-least I am not the best one at it. Ppl who knew me closer would now know the reason of my phone calls over chat, now that I am a few continents away, I can't really afford it. :) So I am jus learning to write here, with pinch of thoughts and emotions in equal propotions! I know you would have been thinking, whats this guy blabbering? Who in the hell cares about you? lol.. He has nothing relevent to the title inside, sheesh. Newys lets see what has written inside! Lol. Agreed! I am not gonna bore you anymore, let me start!

About the topic: 'I was born Intelligent, but Education ruined me', the quote that most of you might have heard, with a sense of sarcasm. But I felt it made true sense. Weird??? This guy is trying to show-off in his first blog, loser! :P Hmm. Not really!

I agree, education has shaped the way we are today, and the world is there today. Without a proper education system being implemented, we would never have reached this height. It has given us a sense of being rational. It has taught us to live and lead life! Wth! I thought he would be saying something against it! Lol. Ya I will. Do you really think, it has? Do you really think education has given what it has to, I agree probably knowledge, but the quality and quantity of it which spanned for more than 17yrs now. I dont really think so. If it had, it should have made us wiser, better, confident individuals focusing on what we wish to achieve and move forward with.
Is every educated individual able to cope up?! Is every educated individual successful. Is every educated individual confident! If you think it has, then think again! Dude, I never gave a thought, dont trouble me. Move one with whatever hell u wished to tell! Okies! :)

I feel it really hasn't, "12th standard guys suicided before board results!" Confidence taught them this, "A guy kills his gal friend" The guy just became wiser!, "A group of students from a law college, almost to kill a guy with all policemen around" who were waiting for the principals permission; What is it thats happening, what is it that they are going to do. What is the differnce that education has brought in them, from the one who is not. Hmmm! Is education just here to teach you the formulas, and equations, trying to find the meaning of logic gates, when not many even know essence of their living. Are we missing something?! I feel yes we are. Jus have ur thoughts ponder over it. Hm. Maybe sometime. I hope, you will agree. Is it that teachers in school always concentrated on us to by heart, 1330 Thirukurals(Thriuvalluvar), not the meaning that he wished to convey, parents always wanted us to chant slokas/vedas without actually knowing what it teaches you in life, history always gave the story of how ppl lived and where they lived, rather than letting ppl analyse what went right and wrong in civilizations. what is the moral that we learn from them. I feel a few chambers of cells in the head being wasted.

Other than this socialistic thought, even as an educationist, I feel education never was sastisfying too. Mankind evolved to this situation because of knowledege transition and creativity. Today at the time when information is overloaded. I feel that actual knowledege transition and creativity will be lost! What! Again Blabbering started aa! Lol. No. We have turned into a species where we accept things rather than questioning them. Have we ever questioned things that are essential to us, why should fan be designed like this; Almost never, we take things for granted and try to study over, ultimately not understanding it completely. Thats what education has been doing. We neither use our creativity coz everything you need is just few clicks away. So why should you think be creative and waste time. Hmm. Correct! Think about this as well. I hope I make some sense, if I was able to connect my emotions with what I wrote.

I am not here to say that education is bad, wish to say it would have been great if it was better. What Kamal fan a! Lol. Build better education, build better society! Jai Hind!

Hurray! Finally I too started blogging! :)